Heaton rocks!

There are reasons why Patricia Heaton continues to be one of my favorite actresses. She’s absolutely fabulous on Everybody Loves Raymond, and she continues to stand up for traditional Judeo-Christian values.

Last Monday, Heaton walked out of the American Music Awards before she was due to intoduce a retrospective montage. Why? Because she was digusted by “an onslaught of lewd jokes and off-color remarks.”

“I’m no prude, but this was such a vulgar and disgusting show,” Heaton said.

Heaton summarizes my own thoughts exactly:

“The entire evening became about bleeping. It was as if they were trying to become more like the MTV awards. But it’s one thing if this kind of stuff is on MTV at 10 at night. It’s quite another if it’s on ABC at 8 o’clock. I don’t know what Dick Clark was thinking.”

Heaton fired back, when asked if she’s worried about any sort of “you’ll never present again” backlash: “Who cares?”

Major retrophisch kudos to Patricia Heaton for taking a stand against the Hollywonk culture.