If you’ve actually been hitting the site over the past couple of days rather than reading posts via RSS feeds, you will have noticed the new look. To go along with the new look is something of a new mandate I gave myself.
Retrophisch refocuses its coverage on the Mac world and technology in general, with a few bits of personal fun, like my observations on college football (Geaux Tigers!) and hockey, thrown in. From this point forward, I’m shifting the following topics to respective blogs:
- God and faith (what some would term “religion”): Godblog
- Politics: Ludichris
- Firearms: Forty Caliber
All sites carry a common layout that identifies them as the Retrophisch Family of Blogs™, and all of the above sites link to the others. There may be some crossover posting, going on, as religious liberties might well be discussed on both Godblog and Ludichris, just as firearms freedoms could be discussed on both Ludichris and Forty Caliber. But for the most part, each will remain distinct from the others.
I wanted to do this both for myself and those of you kind enough to frequent my site. I have felt that perhaps I was trying to cover too much in one site, and, heck, I’ve had the domains just sitting around waiting to be used.
I must send out major thanks to Raena for her invaluable assistance in getting the backend code tweaked and the CSS working right. Thanks also to Jon, Lee, Michael, and anyone else I may have bugged over the past few months about taking a look and helping me with items that were wrong. Errors in the content are purely my own.
I’m still working on code for some of the auxiliary pages, so, yes, I know the Photos and Read pages don’t share the same layout. I likely won’t touch the Photo albums until the Trotts & Co. release Movable Type Pro, which will feature photo album creation. (Yes, I know about Gallery and myriad other such products, but I’ve issues with trying to get them to work, and I can only guess how well the whole album thing will work in MT Pro, so I’m content to wait.)
Comments on the new look are welcome and appreciated, as are any bug reports readers may feel necessary.