Shocked–shocked!–we tell you

Paul Greenberg:

Dana Priest of The Washington Post sounds shocked – shocked! – to discover that George W. Bush ordered a complete remobilization and reinvigoration of the CIA immediately after September 11th:

The effort President Bush authorized shortly after Sept. 11, 2001, to fight al-Qaida has grown into the largest CIA covert-action program since the height of the Cold War, expanding in size and ambition despite a growing outcry at home and abroad over clandestine tactics…

This is news? Isn’t this just what W. told the country he would do in the aftermath of September 11th?


Apparently W. meant it. According to the Post’s Ms. Priest, the president signed an order six days after September 11th empowering American intelligence agencies in a way not seen since the Second World War.

Gosh, just as if we had suffered a surprise attack and thousands of our people had been killed in a second Pearl Harbor.

Do you think maybe the president decided to fight this like a world war because, far ahead of his critics, he realized we were in one?