Today is a historic day in the life of our little family: the little phisch is going to his first-ever live, in-person football game. My wife’s boss is a SMU alum, and secured us tickets to tonight’s contest against Tulane, which is where my wife graduated from law school. Before the game, we’ll be at the Tulane Alumni tailgate party, where I’m sure I’ll draw some stares, since I’m in my purple LSU shirt and tan LSU cap.
So here’s the rundown: with me in my LSU regalia, we’re going to be amongst Tulane grads for eats and drinks, assuring them that, yes, we’ll be rooting for the Green Wave during the game. We’ll be sitting in the heart of the SMU side of the field, amongst Mustang grads and their families, assuring them that, yes we’ll be rooting for the ponies during the game. Effectively, we’re going to be Switzerland, my wife told me earlier.
See why I’m feeling a little schizo with regard to college football today?
I’m just hoping it’s a decent football game. I’m also interested in checking out Gerald J. Ford Stadium, which is fairly new, having had its first games played in the 2000 season.
By the way, the game is on Fox Sports Network Southwest at 7 PM CST, so if you see the lone purple-shirt guy amongst a sea of blue, red, and white, that’s probably moi.