The July issue of About This Particular Macintosh is now available for your reading pleasure.
Kicking things off, Mark gets in touch with his inner “me” as he ponders the news from Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference this year. When the iPhone Software Developer Kit (SDK) was first released, it was theorized in the Twitterverse and throughout the blogosphere that once Apple provided a means to install standalone applications on the iPhone, we would see a raft of to-do list and other task management apps. With the impending release of the iPhone 3G and the iPhone App Store, Ed reflects on these thoughts, along with some on what we might find in the near future.
In this month’s Photoshop For the Curious, Lee shows us how to make the image on a computer monitor or television pop and not appear burned out when the monitor is photographed. Boy, I wish I had had this info back when I did my iPhone review… Sylvester follows up his thoughts from last month on network attached storage drives with some practical advice on playing well with one. Or two. Or three. Maybe four. Heck, you know how it is with NAS drives…
Oh. You don’t? You don’t even know what a network attached storage drive is? You can’t even figure it out from the name?
Let’s move along, shall we?
ATPM reader Harry Torres is kind enough to share some of his vehicular art with us in this month’s desktop pictures selection. Cortland’s foes celebrate his vanquishment, and reminisce on how they got to that point…
Paul puts EyeTV 3.0.2 through the ringer, while yours truly reviews Macworld’s iPhone Superguide, a great resource for any iPhone owner. If you’re looking for a spelling-bee game, read Linus’s Spell-Jam review before continuing your search. Finally, Lee takes a look at a potentially handy piece of software for getting your Mac and Wii to play nice together.
As always, this month’s ATPM is available in a variety of formats for your comfort. Thanks for reading, About This Particular Macintosh!