"Instead of adjectives, great writers often use verbs. Their characters do, and they are always doing."
"Frank McCourt spends little time worrying about it. He trusts the readers mind to imagine details. Instead, he captivates his audience with action. If people are moving and doing, it’s hard to look away."
"So, if you’re working on a writing project, do readers a favor and cut out the “white as snow” and “cold as a meat locker” and tell us what your characters are doing."
"There are many Made in the USA lists throughout the internet, nearly all of them tacky and in poor taste. These awful websites have led me to compile a list of stylish and cool brands that make their goods in America. One of my goals with this is to make it easier to locate and buy domestically produced apparel products. Another motivating factor is my desire for things Made in the USA to be embraced by a younger, more stylish consumer."
Personally, I own several t-shirts printed on American Apparel shirts, New Balance sneakers, a Buck knife, a Fisher Space Pen, Field Notes notebooks, a Leatherman multi-tool, a Mag Lite flashlight, and a Vornado fan. I would recommend any one of these items.
"Family safe YouTube". A simple web browser player of YouTube content aimed at kids. Hit the space bar to go to the next clip. There is no search function.