In Memoriam:

Clancy Turner, 2000-2013
aka Clancypants, Clancifer, Clance, C

Yesterday, we had to make that most difficult of decisions pet owners have to make. Seemingly overnight, our Shar-Pei/bull terrier mix dog developed what our vet theorized was a brain tumor. He had become blind, and was so disoriented and off-balanced he could barely walk. Being this discombobulated led to severe nausea and lack of appetite. This was no way for our family protector to live, and the outlook for any sort of treatment was bleak.

So we said goodbye to our faithful companion, who has watched over all the children of our family; enjoyed a good tussle with fellow packmate Winston, our Corgi; looked forward to automobile rides, even if it meant a visit to the vet; and loved to chase a tennis ball around the house or yard. We love you, sweet Clancy.

You were a good dog.

She’s got this thing figured out.



SEAL’s best friend.


Turns out just when we thought there was nothing cooler than a Navy SEAL we were proved wrong.  Meet the Navy SEAL dog.  Sure by now you have seen them jumping out of planes or on the battle field, but tonight on World News we will show you the training that makes these dogs one of the military’s strongest weapons.

U.S. Navy SEAL, Mike Forsythe, and his dog, Cara — pictured above — recently broke the world record for “highest man/dog parachute deployment” by jumping from 30,100 feet.

Courtesy: US Navy / K9 Storm

This is really freaking amazing.