On the dugout on Flickr.
Tag: photo
New goodies on Flickr.
For the new 11-inch MacBook Air: backup drive, and the latest from Gary and the gang at Waterfield.
May the Fourth be with you on Flickr.
This spring, Davis started playing baseball. At the six and under level (6U), it’s coach-pitch. He did pretty well, and we saw improvements in his fielding from that first practice to the last game this past Saturday (May 22d). Hitting wise, he did awesome, going seven for eight in the first half of the season. He hit a slump, but rebounded for the last two games.
To see more photos, including a couple from the game, check out the rest of the set.
Big rain collector behind the WinKids building in Flower Mound, Texas. I liked the typography.
I have the LOLcat web site’s RSS feed in my feed reader. I don’t read it every day, but there are days when I’ll get caught up on the past week or two’s worth of photos.
Some of these photos will garner the toothless smile. Others will get a big grin. Rarer still are the ones which make me laugh. This one…
This one made me snort water through my nose.