
Via Unsplash


The original sail plans for the USS Constitution


Growing up, my Dad always used Rosie Grier as an example of not giving one goddamn about gender roles. I think I knew who Rosie Grier was by the time I was four or five. 

Rosie Grier was exactly whom my parents pulled out as an example for me to learn to cross-stitch.

The college football season is upon us. Geaux Tigers!


Chemical warfare in Syria

Chemical warfare in Syria

Please understand I’m not advocating flag burning of any kind. I honestly don’t see the need. And whether or not protesting against any sort of homosexual agenda is philistinian or not is beside the point. People should be allowed to say stupid things. What gets my goat is when free speech is the rallying cry by one group protesting one thing, but then that same group wants to shut down counter-protests. That’s a double standard. There should be no protected classes. Either we all have the right, or none of us do.