Stay-at-home Dad #ProTip: any time is potentially beer o’clock. #stillsummer #baseball

Discovering the Kimberley. A taster of the forthcoming documentary. from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

Edit originally created for my C300 Canon presentation in Seoul but has now become a little teaser of the full documentary that I am currently editing..

The documentary is about this incredible boat trip to one of the most remote but beautiful parts of Australia, focusing on key people who have made the trip including Mike Fletcher, my friend and filmmaker who acts almost as a guide to the journey, Wally & Bev, a couple who are terminally ill and making one last trip together as a couple…

It’s a beautiful awe inspiring journey but very grounded in real people and real stories.

This is not a commercial project but a passion film for me.

Original edit by Sarah Estela with additional work by myself.

Shot on the C300. Damn that camera gives you good looking pics!

Music is from Crimson Wing by The Cinematic Orchestra

Thanks to Mike Fletcher!

Star Wars Helmetia! from Pedro Cyrne on Vimeo.

A few days ago I came across with Keith Bogan’s amazing Star Wars Minimalism posters ( and I thought they would look great animated, so I thought this could be a good proposal for this week’s F125 project.

Based on Keith’s minimal designs, I recreated 5 characters and added some elements that I thought that could be fun to animate.

Sound effects and Music from Star Wars movies.
Animated in After Effects

This is happening now in our home. Chris Turner on Vimeo.

Today’s shirt. (Taken with Instagram)

Today’s shirt.

And suddenly we’re planning to roll our own. I love my friends. #LSUTAMU

Say, #LSU fans: any tailgaters in College Station on 10/20 willing to welcome a pair of Tigers? #LSUTAMU

Will have to talk with my wife on why our child is Auburn’ed up on game day. #wrongtigers


One World Trade Center

A reflective 104-story skyscraper known as One World Trade Center is rising amid New York City’s skyline where the iconic Twin Towers of the World Trace Center once stood.

The building—which became New York’s tallest in April—sits adjacent to the site of the towers that were destroyed in a terrorist attack 11 years ago today, on September 11, 2001. The exact footprints of the Twin Towers have been memorialized by
two reflecting pools with cascading waterfalls, and walls inscribed with the names of those who were lost in the attacks.

The photographs featured above were taken by members of the crew building the new World Trade Center, which is expected to be completed in late 2013.