
Download / By Tiago Gerken

If we’re to take the “collective right” explanation on its face, then the Second Amendment created a right that the states are powerless to execute, that the Federal government has no duty to provide, and that would be useless and oxymoronic if the latter did so anyway. If one spends five minutes thinking about the “collective right” theory, it quickly becomes apparent that the individual right is the only one that can possibly function appropriately, and is thus the only right that the amendment was ever intended to protect. To put it bluntly, the “collective right” approach makes no sense.


Always reblog.


A sick ARC-170 concept by Ryan Church from Episode III.


Heat to the Rescue: Sturdy Oil Drum Survival Kit Also Converts Into Stove.

Like the Haitian earthquake of 2010, last year’s Japanese tsunami disaster spurred designers to re-think what an effective, life-saving response might look like.

Focusing on providing a source of heat, water and food housed in rollable oil drum that can be converted into a stove, Eindhoven-based Japanese designer Hikaru Imamura’s “Heat Rescue Disaster Recovery” kit reflects his belief that something as simple as heat and hot water may mean the difference between falling deathly ill or surviving.

This is very cool.

051 by Old Bluebeard on Flickr.




Colonel Henrietta Wraithfield — not bad.

Sir Ambrose Supperbottom, at your service.

One I like for once!

Sir Archibald Knightshold.


It can double as my gay porn name.

Viscount Theodore Rumbledale. Not bad.


Huelex by Randy Halverson.

Found at Laughing Squid.



Artist of the Week – Cliff Chiang