09-12-13 Moon and near miss Jet by James Lennie on Flickr.

Ice! by eric.dacus on Flickr.

What Do Your Android Reader Apps Know About You?

What Do Your Android Reader Apps Know About You?

Beeley Fire by millsj82 on Flickr.


O Holy Night – Studio 60 (no dialogue) (by Carl Joseph)

If the Studio 60 version of “O Holy Night” isn’t part of your Christmas rotation, you are just wrong.


It doesn’t have to be Christmas for me to enjoy this. Any time will do. Probably my favorite moment from the short-lived series.

London typeface by Antonio Rodrigues

London typeface by Antonio Rodrigues

Burning Dream by Jonathan J Scott on Flickr.

Aurora og Nordlandsnupen by tomviktor on Flickr.

iPhone image on 2013-12-09 at 09:57:07.jpeg

iPhone image on 2013-12-09 at 09:57:07.jpeg

Running off some energy from Chris Turner on Vimeo.

Eight hours in the car, and no backyard to play in like normal means going to to the empty corner of the hotel parking lot to bleed off some energy before bed time.